Those Who Submit Free Themes And Thanks

Everyday we receive a lot of great submissions that we love to feature. There is so much great design and creativity out there and those websites deserve to be recognized for that. One of the great things about the WordPress community is that there are many designers who work really hard to create free themes for others to use and are instantly provided with a great looking website. Unfortunately many of these free theme users try submitting their website to be featured here on our site. Now we understand that some themes are modified heavily to a point to where it almost doesn’t look like the original one and we like to recognize the work put into that, as long as they keep the original designer link. Now we usually weed out the free themes but occasionally one slips through and we feature a theme that’s not original. It’s usually because the footer link of the designer is removed or we’re just having a bad day. Any free themes submitted with footer links removed are reported to the original designer as they deserve credit for the hard work they have done.

We also want to thank those out there who leave feedback and help keep our board clean from free unmodified themes as well as any modified free themes that may have the original designer link removed. WordPress is a wonderful thing and it’s important to recognize the hard work designers and developers do for the community, as they are the reason of why we love WordPress so much.

10 Responses to “Those Who Submit Free Themes And Thanks”

  1. cana

    Thanks for the themes, i’m use free themes for my wp 😀

  2. Anto

    What free themes? Link please?

  3. We Love WP

    The post talks about free themes being submitted to our gallery.

  4. Fath

    Hi. I agree with you. If they did modified the theme, at least they should retain the link back to the owner’s site.

    I create free WordPress themes too and I’m happy when WordPress users use my themes. Unfortunately, some of them tend to remove the link back to my site, which I hate so much.

  5. agentur

    Really great Gallery with so many beautiful Themes. Great work, Keep on going. Greetinx from Germany!

  6. Mike Smith - Bootstrapping Blog


    You’ve got one design listed that has ripped off another site completely. Just thought I’d let you know.

    You should set up a “report” link or a page for people to report stuff like this, free themes, ect.

  7. We Love WP

    Thanks Mike! Great idea. We try our best to catch them all but we do miss a few at times. Post has been deleted and reported.

  8. Mike Smith - Bootstrapping Blog

    No problem at all. I love this site by the way. the design is great.

  9. Lisa's Chaos

    Dang, 🙁 Someone had emailed me when you featured my blog last month and I was so excited. That person also told me the little heart on my blog meant it would be featured in August but it isn’t. 🙁 Bummer. But thanx for picking it as a loved design. 🙂

  10. We Love WP

    Sometimes it’s so hard to just pick 5 from all the great designs we love each month!


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